Apple Watch Series 3 review

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When the Apple Watch came out a few years ago, I refused to buy into the hype that this was a “must have” device.  I was completely satisfied with my iPhone to check my iMessages, e-mails, and run my apps.  Furthermore, I’m a traditionalist in using a watch just as a time/date piece and that’s it.  A normal watch won’t run out of charge and it won’t be obsolete in 2-3 years.  As of 2017, Apple released Apple Watch Series 3, which was the first Apple Watch that was able to use completely without your iPhone, including making calls.  I finally bought into the “hype”.  Read more to find out why.

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The Edison Mail app is an option to replace iPhone’s default Mail app (with caution)

Apple, Apps, Blogroll, Cool Stuff, Tech Toys No Comments »

*** On 7/18/2020, I made an  update to my original post, in the Cons section.  Please read it as it has to do with some privacy issues. ***

For those of you with an iPhone, like myself, we’ve always used the default iPhone Mail app because it was simple and easy to use.  For the most part, the default iPhone Mail app can satisfy the needs of most iPhone users.  However, over time, Apple has updated the iPhone Mail app, for better or for worse.

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The Storm has arrived – take cover!

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I just stopped by my local Verizon Wireless store to test out the Blackberry Storm and see what all they hype was about.  Until now, I’ve been impressed with RIM’s newest smartphone offerings, but with the recent Storm release, I’d say RIM has taken a step backwards.

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BlackBerry Pearl vs. HTC Touch

Apple, BlackBerry, Blogroll, China, HTC, Pictures, Tech Toys 2 Comments »


After dumping my Palm Treo 700w, which I had used during my previous 2-year contract with Verizon Wireless, I’ve moved onto bigger (or smaller?) and better things. The two phones that I’m using now are the BlackBerry Pearl 8130 (when I’m USA) and the HTC Touch P3450 (during my visits to China). To get an idea of the relative sizes of the two phones, the above picture shows that the Touch is slightly wider than the Pearl, but the Pearl is a little longer than the Touch. In terms of thickness, the two phones are about the same, but since I use a silicon rubber case on my Pearl, it is slightly thicker.

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Is this reason enough to get an iPhone?

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Now that my dreams of getting a Blackberry 8830 World Phone from Verizon Wireless are dashed, should I even consider getting an iPhone?

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