My trip to China

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In May 2017, I traveled to Suzhou, China on a business trip.  At the end of my trip I stayed a few days in Shanghai, which is where Pudong Airport is located.  The weather was great and, amazingly, there were blue skies!  Here are some pics I took of the Shanghai area.

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Funny money

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npc_tn2This is a very funny picture of Chairman Mao on a Chinese Yuan bill.  It hasn’t been photoshopped.  All you need to do is fold it in the correct places.  I’ve seen similar funny bills using U.S. currency.

A cold, snowy day in Chi … err … Suzhou

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It doesn’t snow in Suzhou, does it? Apparently on a few rare occassions, it does. As of this writing, on January 26, it is around 27 F and it is snowing in Suzhou, China. My current world travels have me “stuck” in this city. I’ve been in Suzhou since January 16. Actually, I’m on the first leg of an Asian business trip that will take me to Singapore and then Japan. I’m sure when I’m in Singapore, it will be about 98 F and humid. Then, I’ll go to Tokyo, Japan, where it will probably be cold, snowy and/or rainy.

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BlackBerry Pearl vs. HTC Touch

Apple, BlackBerry, Blogroll, China, HTC, Pictures, Tech Toys 2 Comments »


After dumping my Palm Treo 700w, which I had used during my previous 2-year contract with Verizon Wireless, I’ve moved onto bigger (or smaller?) and better things. The two phones that I’m using now are the BlackBerry Pearl 8130 (when I’m USA) and the HTC Touch P3450 (during my visits to China). To get an idea of the relative sizes of the two phones, the above picture shows that the Touch is slightly wider than the Pearl, but the Pearl is a little longer than the Touch. In terms of thickness, the two phones are about the same, but since I use a silicon rubber case on my Pearl, it is slightly thicker.

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Funny comics #10

BC, Blogroll, China, Comics, Golf, Singapore No Comments »


I’m sure that’s going to hurt. 😥

Asian Golf Tip: If you ever play in Singapore and you hear someone yell, “Ball!”, this is the Singaporean version of “Fore!”.

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