Portland Trail Blazers’ uniform re-design contest

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Oh what could have been!  I mean the Blazers’ uniform history, not the fact that they could have had KDTrey35.   Well, I’m back at it — Paul Lukas from ESPN is having another uniform re-design contest and I’m in.  The Portland Trail Blazers are on-deck.  For those curious folk, the original ESPN article is shown here.

I have not followed the Portland Trail Blazers team that closely, except for when Clyde Drexler played during the 80’s and 90’s and Brandon Roy in the mid to late 2000’s.   During those times, all I remember are the black uniforms.

For my re-design, I will update the Trail Blazers’ uniform to a more classic look.   Also, I will not use black as the main color for the Away uniforms, but I’ll use red instead.  The Home uniforms will be classic white.  I understand where the black color stands in the Blazers’ uniform history, so there will the a dark color (gray) as the main color in the Alternate uniform.  Lastly, I’ve updated the font lettering to reflect more of the Trail Blazer heritage, rather than using the 80’s and 90’s slanted bold font.

Without much further ado, here are my re-designs:

  1. Portland Trail Blazers Home
  2. Portland Trail Blazers Away
  3. Portland Trail Blazers Alt #1


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