Post ratings plugin blues

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The cool plugin that I’m using to allow readers of this blog to post “star” ratings is GaMerZ’s WP-PostRatings 1.11. Even though I’ve downloaded the latest plugin update that was offered on June 6, 2007, it seems there are still conflicts with another plugin that I’m using, WP-Cache. The ratings were working fine up until a few days ago. As you can see from the latest posts I made in June, there are no star ratings on my posts, since they aren’t being saved. I may have to disable the post ratings plugin within the next few days. 🙁

By the way, the WP-Cache plugin reduced server CPU usage time so readers can view the blog pages faster. This is a very important plugin because WordPress is based on PHP, which is a type of programming language used to serve webpages or blog pages. For those that use self-hosted blog-sites, like myself, your “shared” webhosting provider places monthly caps on how much CPU usage that your website can use. If you consistently go over that cap, they may shut your site down or move you to a dedicated server, which can cost a couple hundred bucks per month.

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